Coaching Options

Looking for effective and sustainable results? 

You’re in the right place.

Identifying the right style of delivery for maximum impact is a critical step in the journey.  We want your leaders to be achieving independently as quickly as possible, and that’s about getting the right training at the right time.

Which approach should we use?

Below you will find a selection of coaching options that we offer once we’ve identified the issues
(and the issues behind the issues).

Individual Coaching

Is a fixed mindset or old thinking a handbrake on your organisation?

Whether it’s ingrained behaviours or a capability gap, this approach is an engaging deep dive with a focus on high impact.

Addressing mindset issues can be a deeply personal experience and this coaching is ideal for creating a safe psychological space to learn and change.


Our workshops offer a fast and effective path to performance improvement with two or more leaders.

The disciplines required to succeed are complex, involving both hard and soft skills.

Addressing these in a workshop situation is profoundly effective due to the high engagement it fosters, and the collaboration and accountability that extends beyond the training room.

Speaking Engagements

Whether it’s a leadership retreat, conference, or board meeting, this format is the perfect platform to reach a wider audience with thought-provoking messaging that challenges.

A great format to start the conversation toward cultural and behavioural change.

Often, it is a blend of two or more of these that are required. Whatever it takes to have your leaders achieving as fast as possible is our #1 goal.

Don’t wait another minute. Engage our team today.

Ready to accept the challenge?